Jones alapat

Java Streams Questions

Introduction A stream is like a pipeline with start, intermediate, and terminal operations, although it is similar to a Collection, however, there are some differences Write 5 Stream Sources Convert a List of Strings(India, Canada, USA) to a List Of Characters Finding the largest Element without using Built In Function from 4,8,24,3,22 Find the sum …

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Java, Python & JavaScript

Code Syntax Function JAVA PYTHON JAVASCRIPT Data Types int number = 10;String name = “Jones”;float perc = 85.5f num = 10name = ‘Jones’percentage = 85.5 var num = 10;const name = ‘Jones’;let percentage = 85.5; Operators int sum = a + b;int div = a / b;int mul = a * b; sum = a …

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AWS Service Overview

AWS has an enormous number of services, however, for this blog, I will be covering a set number of AWS services AWS cloud market share Analytics Athena Amazon Athena is a serverless, interactive analytics service built on open-source frameworks, supporting open-table and file formats. Athena provides a simplified, flexible way to analyze petabytes of data …

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AWS Lambda

AWS Lambda AWS Lambda is an event-driven, serverless computing platform provided by Amazon as a part of Amazon Web Services. It is designed to enable developers to run code without provisioning or managing servers. It executes code in response to events and automatically manages the computing resources required by that code. Lambda allows you to …

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SNS-SQS Fan Out Pattern

Fan Out Pattern In computer science and networking, “fan-out” refers to spreading data, requests, or tasks from one origin to numerous destinations. The “fan-out pattern” illustrates systems wherein a sole component or service dispatches data or requests to several other components or services. Here’s a concise overview of the fan-out concept: SNS Amazon SNS is …

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Infrastructure as a Code – Cloudformation

Cloud formation AWS CloudFormation offers a unified language for describing and provisioning all the infrastructure resources within your environment in a secure and reproducible manner. AWS CloudFormation enables you to define the resources required for an application or solution in a text file, formatted in JSON or YAML. This template, which can be manually uploaded …

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